Agent Consultancy

The Helm apartments are an upcoming development in the riverside views suburb of Mount Pleasant. Developed by Generis Consultants, we undertook the role of assisting the agents with highlighting the project and its unique selling traits.


The Helm is a smaller development and in the suburb of Mount Pleasant, has a larger competitor radius with Applecross apartments on the rise. Gaining exposure against larger budgeted developments and high rise views, The Helm needed a unique selling point


Creating Agent video’s 
– Consulting agents on utilising their selling points and representing that on social media 




Render videos for smaller boutique apartments are incredibly beneficial, even more so than larger developments. Being a smaller development, you are able to showcase more in-depth of each room in a shorter period of time.

Creating a walkthrough video using renders to give prospective buyers a more immersive view of the development. Renders are a great way to showcase the development in a rich and engaging way, and allow buyers to get an in-depth look at the apartment interiors and exteriors.



We love to work with all businesses, big or small looking to build with a specific goal or problem to be solved. From content creation to strategy consultancy, we’re always happy to lend a hand.

Contact us and we’ll reply as fast as we can!

(+61) 0421 448 564